Jeffrey Platt MD

Jeffrey L. Platt, M.D. directs the Transplantation Biology Program at the University of Michigan where he serves also as Professor of Surgery and Professor of Microbiology and Immunology. Dr. Platt’s research probes such questions as how immunity and inflammation cause organs and tissues to acquire resistance to injury, a condition Dr. Platt discovered named accommodation. His research has the mechanisms through which antibodies, complement and other components of blood injure endothelial cells. Dr. Platt also investigates novel approaches to replacing organ function. Dr. Platt’s research has led to more than 550 papers, 4 books, and 10 patents. Dr. Platt received the Clinician-Scientist and Established Investigator awards from the AHA and was elected to the Association of American Physicians and the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences (USA).
